Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Heat Is On

The heat has me a bit down. I want to be able to take E and Lil out to a park or to do something active outside, but there's no way in this 100 degree heat. It would be irresponsible. The house is making me a bit mad, I have to admit.

Things are a bit tough at the Joinerhouse. I've been pondering re-entering the workforce (beside the freelance writing) because we need to be able to pay bills. I want to do something part time and I've considered Whole Foods. Anyone out there have any input on the grocery as a company? I know I like shopping there but there's no telling how a big company treats their employees. I know it's probably a better option than most places.

The thought of leaving Lil for even a moment, for the possibility of missing some of her first events or even a small smile slays me. I know most mothers don't get to spend as much time with their little one as I have and I've been at home for almost six months now, but I don't want it to end. It breaks my heart. Yet I know there's no money tree planted outside, no steady freelance gig to keep us going. Judge does all he can and I've got to pick up the slack.

I guess I suppose a part time job won't kill me. It just makes me sad. I've wanted to provide her with the luxury of a mom at home during the early years like mine did for me. I truly had a great childhood, all thanks to her and my father. 

Sorry to be a bummer. Methinks I need some Vitamin D.


Unknown said...

hey! i'm a friend of Kim Baldwin's. i worked for WF for three years - if you want to chat about it, email me - agnesbartonsabo[at]gmail[dot]com

Cricket said...

Our JamieR from the Wash used to work at WF, I'm sure he'd tell it to you straight.