Friday, December 5, 2008

Folks: Cherry Blossom Designs

Swell holiday gift items from Cherry Blossom Designs.

Encantos Afortuados - Cactus $15

Encantos Afortunados (mini) - $10

Pretty Maids in a Row - $10

5 Questions With Miz Cricket

What do you do?
EVERYTHING! Um, let's see, I write, I sew, I make jewelry, I try and make people happy, I drink, I smoke and I sometimes get into trouble.

Favorite place?
Barcelona. Well, maybe Besalu, which is tiny old town about an hour out of Barcelona, but I don't know if I could live there. I might get bored. Barcelona, on the other hand, would keep me entertained for a very long time. Also the food in that region is excellent.

Nickname and why?
Hmm, most people call me JJ or Cricket. The first is I guess left over from childhood, the second I was dubbed by a friend, when I needed a pen name and it just really, really, really stuck.

What is your vice?
Cute boys. For reals, they make me do dumb dumb dumb things. I am secretly, (well, not anymore!) a hopeless romantic. I'm getting better, but not recovered.

Favorite era you're nostalgic for?
It's a toss up between regency England and the 1920s and 30s in America. Probably as result fo the lit I read growing up.

Her store, Cherry Blossom Designs

Her blog, Miss Adventures in the 37206
Search for the Last of the Hard-core Troubadours

1 comment:

Cricket said...

Ha! I like my ludacris answers with my serious face! It really is exactly like meeting me. :)

Thanks, doll, I'm glad someone loves what I do. :)