Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Rain in the French Quarter
Originally uploaded by Thomas Hawk

We leave for Birmingham tonight to catch the train to New Orleans. I am very excited. I picked this image because I looked up the weather while we're there, and like when we went two Januaries ago, it seems it will rain most of our days there.

I am taking lots of Tennessee Williams for the train. That man can write a short story. Yes, I know he can write plays, but the fiction, oh the fiction...

Perhaps I will take Truman Capote and Eudora Welty with me as well. They all seem so appropriate for Springtime NOLA.

Can't wait to board that Crescent train!


chez bez said...

Have a blast. I'll think of you guys when I listen to Waits sing "I Wish I Was In New Orleans" later today. I've only been once but loved the heck out of its pace and vibe.

Alexandra said...

Have you read The Moviegoer by Walker Percy? It's another perfect novel for springtime in NOLA.