Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Imaginary Gifting: If My Mother Just Moved Into Her Dream Farmhouse

I was sitting around thinking about what I would give my mother if I could buy her anything, and she just moved to her dream Farmhouse. I did a little imaginary gifting over at Terrain and here's what I came up with:

She would love these Blackboard Garden Labels to use in her vegetable and herb garden
She would need a The Beekeeper's Bible

Acacia Vine Window Box to go on the North side of the house

A crazy sculpture to go in the garden
After pulling weeds, she would need some furniture on the back porch to have a cup of tea and read the paper.

She'd wash up with her gardener's soap before heading to the kitchen
She would slip into this Trailing Leaf Necklace

She would need a cabinet in the kitchen to hold her dishes and linens.

And I would help her set out the dishes on this table runner

Everyone would enjoy the meal by the light of this Glass Jug Pendant light

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