Friday, November 21, 2008

Moccasins Lust List!

I want a pair of these

or these

No, I think I want these.

1 comment:

georgia b. said...

just discovered your blog through your link in my followers list.

i have to say, it is probably the most interesting blog i have ever seen—so visually stimulating, and every post makes you want to stop and find out more.

i just went to your band link, too. i have downloaded Olives and Oil, and i look forward to listening to it.

may i post about it once i have listened a few times?

(ps. i love the boots in the third pic! i would get those ones.)

(pps. i keep trying to convince my hubby to let us move to Nashville! i have a friend there and i love it! also, did you hear or know of Atticus Fault when they were still around—a few years back? i went to college with one of the guys from the band.)